Study Socialist Cultural Ideology with Chinese Characteristics to Innovate Urban Governance

Study Socialist Cultural Ideology with Chinese Characteristics to Innovate Urban Governance


  • Qing Luo The School of Marxism, Zhaoqing University, Zhaoqing 526061, Guangdong, China
  • Haifei Wang The School of Economics and Management, Zhaoqing University, Zhaoqing, Guangdong, China



Urban governance, Chinese characteristics, Cultural innovation, Socialist cultural ideology


The significance and main content of socialist cultural ideology with Chinese characteristics are explored in the context of urban governance. The document emphasizes the critical role of cities in China's economic and social development and the need for cultural ideology to guide urban governance. It highlights the importance of enhancing people's well-being and happiness as the ultimate goal of urban governance, rather than solely focusing on GDP growth. The socialist cultural ideology is valuable in providing theoretical guidance for China's cultural construction and contributing to the comprehensive realization of socialist modernization. It further explains the main content of socialist cultural ideology from both a diachronic and synchronic perspective, highlighting its historical depth, theoretical profundity, and practical requirements. Overall, the document emphasizes the importance of studying socialist cultural ideology with Chinese characteristics to drive cultural innovation and improve urban governance in China. Urgent implement should be conducted concerning the practical requirements of socialist cultural ideology in urban governance, including maintaining the leadership of cultural innovation, strengthening cultural confidence, and promoting cultural exchanges and mutual learning.


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