Research on the Theoretical Progression of General Secretary's Important Discourse on Women's Issues

Research on the Theoretical Progression of General Secretary's Important Discourse on Women's Issues


  • Qianqian Huang School of Marxism, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, 212013, China
  • Jing Yan School of Marxism, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, 212013, China



Important Discourse on Women's Issues, Global Women's Development, A Community with a Shared Future for Mankind


The world is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century. The degree of globalization is deepening. While the development of women in various countries has made great progress, their development demands are still increasing. As socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, Chinese women are faced with new opportunities and new challenges. Under these circumstances, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made many speeches on women's issues on important occasions at home and abroad. His discourse is based on Marxist women's theory, the women's theory of successive generations of Communist Party leaders, and the excellent traditional Chinese women's thought. The three constitute the theoretical source of its discussion. Focusing on women's special needs, realizing individual equality of women's rights to development, building a family civilization with family education and morals, strengthening the reform and innovation of the construction of the three natures of women's federations, and promoting global women's development. These are the key nuclei of his important discourses. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important discourse on women's issues is rich in connotation, profound in thought, and has great practical significance. As a film with rich connotation, Disney 's live‐action Mulan film has attracted much attention. This article uses the literature data method and text analysis method to analyze the characteristics of the real‐life version of Mulan and its connection with post‐ colonial theory. By analyzing the cultural, historical and gender identity of the film, it explores its inherent cultural significance and profound connotation.


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