An Overview of the Opportunities and Challenges in Entrepreneurship

An Overview of the Opportunities and Challenges in Entrepreneurship


  • Sonali Verma Indian Maritime University, Visakhapatnam Campus, Vangali Village, Visakhapatnam, India
  • Vikesh Kumar Shukla Indian Maritime University, Visakhapatnam Campus, Vangali Village, Visakhapatnam, India
  • Dr. Navneet Sharma Indian Maritime University, Visakhapatnam Campus, Vangali Village, Visakhapatnam, India



Millennials, Generation, Technology, Managers, Challenge, Knowledge, Human Resource Management


Firstly, it is important to mention the classification of a generation before understanding what a millennium is? There are five generations divided, namely (a) Baby Boomers, (b) Gen X, (c) Millennials, (d) Gen, and (e) Alpha. In the past few decades, millennials have received a lot of attention due to their transformation into adults. As the largest generation currently active in the workforce, they have sufficient numbers and power to stand up for what they deserve, and employers who hope to attract and retain millennial talent should pay attention. Millennials are often told to focus on effort rather than achievement, and often receive rewards for participation rather than performance. Millennials face certain challenges in the job market, such as technology (artificial intelligence) for job screening, higher entry qualifications, lack of experience, dishonest recruitment, safety, climate change, economy, etc. The "millennials" are the first generation of "digital indigenous people", who have never known a world without digital technology. Their use of smartphones and applications supports them in completing tasks


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