Analysis of China's Cruise Economy Industry Chain Development in the Post-Epidemic Era

Analysis of China's Cruise Economy Industry Chain Development in the Post-Epidemic Era


  • Peng Peng College of Humanities, Jiangsu Maritime Institute, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
  • Yaoyao Zhang College of Humanities, Jiangsu Maritime Institute, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China



Post-Epidemic Era, China Cruise Industry Chain


The cruise tourism market has suffered a huge impact due to the impact of the new Crown Pneumonia epidemic, and has yet to fully recover, with cruise lines and cruise port operators basically earning zero revenue and facing enormous pressure for survival. During this period, the relevant government departments, cruise ports and major cruise lines have actively promoted the construction of international cruise health risk prevention and control system, in order to promote the resumption of cruise ships to make full preparations. Epidemic led to the temporary suspension of cruise operations, but at the same time Chinese enterprises are also facing a historic strategic opportunity to enter the cruise industry, China Merchants Group, China Communications Construction Group and other central enterprises to acquire foreign cruise companies and ports to speed up the pace of the development of the local cruise fleet to grow, China Shipbuilding Carnival has become the only one in China with two cruise ships of the enterprise, the China Merchants and Viking Cruises to build the first five-starred red-flag cruise ship in China in a joint venture. China's large-scale domestic cruise ship construction is advancing steadily, CSBC Cruises has acquired the world-famous cruise ship interior company R&M Group of Germany, accelerating the construction of the local cruise ship supply chain system, and gradually forming China's large-scale cruise ship independent core R & D and manufacturing and ancillary capabilities to provide strong support for the construction of large-scale domestic cruise ships. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, from the state to the local level, we will continue to increase the support for the development of the cruise industry, and put forward a clearer path and direction to better promote the high-quality development of China's cruise industry.


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