Impact of Organizational Culture on Employee Commitment - Albaminchi University, Ethiopia

Impact of Organizational Culture on Employee Commitment - Albaminchi University, Ethiopia


  • Krishnasamy Srinivasan Department of Management, Arba Minch University, Ethiopia
  • Getasew Yaregal Desalew Department of Management, Arba Minch University, Ethiopia
  • Tigist Belayneh Department of Management, Arba Minch University, Ethiopia



Organizational culture, employee commitment and cultural variables


Today the role of human resource has been changed significantly because of increasing complexity in the environment. According to the changes occurred in the environment, it is very imperative for the organizations to concentrate and acquire a qualified, competent, innovative and well professionalized human resource to achieve desired results. Employees of an organization are the determining factor for the success,andtheirroles are inseparable from the achievement, Djoko, Mushud (2016). Employees with higher qualifications and competency could be enhancedtheir problem solving skills and ability, Tang (2008), Agu & Etim (2012). The Employees commitment plays a vital role in an organizations growth and development. Commitment reflects their strong belief on organizational goals and objectives, culture and desires to remain as a loyal memberin the organization, Hackett et al., (2001). In the organizational commitment model, it stated that theemployee commitment is a degree to which he identifies his organization, wants to continue and actively participate in his role, Jaros, (2007). Generally, a stronger commitment seems amid the enduring employees, specifically who achievedtheir personal goals successfully, gets good recognition, scope for further development and working with a more committed employees group. In general, there are three types of commitments prevailing in every organization among the employees such as affective continuance and normative commitments.Theaffectivecommitmentisanemotional attachment of an employee with his organization while the continuance commitment is an employees desires to stayin the organization due to monetary benefits and without any other choices and normative commitment is an employees perceived obligation towards the organization and this can be enhanced when employees taken part in the decision-making process, Taylor, Levy, Boyacigiller & Beechler (2008).


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