The Effect of Discussion Method in Environmental Toxicology Teaching

The Effect of Discussion Method in Environmental Toxicology Teaching


  • Chunmei Liu School of Business and Economics, Zhoukou Normal University, Zhoukou, Henan, China



University, Computer Major, Basic Courses, Teaching Reform


With the continuous development of economy and science and technology, computer, as a technological product in the new era, is gradually widely used in people's life and various fields, and the development trend of this technology is also very considerable. In contrast, colleges and universities have carried out the corresponding computer specialty for this technology, the purpose of which is to continuously transport comprehensive application-oriented talents to the society. However, due to the influence of traditional education, there are still many deficiencies in the teaching of computer major in Colleges and universities, which is very unfavorable for students' learning and development. Therefore, how to carry out the teaching reform of the basic course of computer application has become the task that the university computer professional teachers should pay attention to. This paper discusses the integration of diversified teaching methods in classroom teaching, the use of computer + training teaching mode, reasonable classroom evaluation and the cultivation of students' comprehensive quality, and puts forward personal opinions on the practice of teaching reform of computer application foundation course in Colleges and universities. Combination of strength and beauty. In the teaching process of CHEERLEADING, teachers should focus on combining teaching with aesthetics, strive to achieve artistic teaching of CHEERLEADING, and strive to improve the teaching effect.


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