On Logical Certainty to Integrate Marxist Religious Thought into the Teaching Content of Ideological and Political Curriculum

On Logical Certainty to Integrate Marxist Religious Thought into the Teaching Content of Ideological and Political Curriculum


  • Qing Luo The School of Marxism, Zhaoqing University, Zhaoqing 526061, Guangdong, China
  • Shunxia Cao The School of Marxism, Zhaoqing University, Zhaoqing 526061, Guangdong, China




Logical necessity, Marxist religious thought, Teaching content, The sinicization of Marxism, IPC


Integrating Marxist religious thought into the teaching content of ideological and political curriculum (IPC) is seen as a valuable and urgent approach that can enhance students' understanding of religion, promote critical thinking, and equip them with the tools to resist religious extremism. The document emphasizes the necessity, possibility, and successful path for this integration, as well as the historical opportunity provided by the current academic environment. It is an inevitable trend to integrate Marxist religious thought into the IPC teaching content, especially considering that the sinicization of Marxism provides a successful path, and the rich religious thoughts of Marx and Engels can be regarded as the orthodoxy of Chinese religion in the new era, using the scientific worldview and methodology of dialectical materialism and historical materialism.


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