"Strategies for Fostering Independent Exercise among non-sports Majors in Colleges and Universities"

"Strategies for Fostering Independent Exercise among non-sports Majors in Colleges and Universities"


  • Bin Wang College of Physical Education and Health Science, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua, Zhejiang, China
  • Yanyan Song College of Physical Education and Health Science, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua, Zhejiang, China
  • Mingxiang Yang YongKang NO.5 Middle School, Jinhua, Zhejiang, China




colleges and universities, non-sports majors, college students, independent exercise


In the regular physical education classroom teaching, physical education teachers must follow the principles of physical education and must take into account a variety of factors that affect college students' ability to perform independent exercise. By using the literature method and logical analysis method to analyze and discuss the cultivation of college students' independent exercise ability, the cultivation of college students' independent exercise ability is expressed from various aspects in order to enhance the consciousness and initiative of college students' independent exercise. It is also necessary to improve the relevance of independent exercise for college students and further stimulate the awareness of independent exercise among college students. This has an important role in cultivating the awareness of lifelong sports among college students, so that college students have a more in-depth understanding of independent exercise.


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