Application of Steel Sheet Pile Support Technology in Foundation Pit Construction of Road and Bridge Engineering

Application of Steel Sheet Pile Support Technology in Foundation Pit Construction of Road and Bridge Engineering


  • Zhaoyu Zhang Hebei North University College of Science, Zhangjiakou 075000, Hebei, China



road and bridge engineering, Foundation pit construction, Steel sheet pile support


The use of rigid support technology in the construction process of highway bridges has a significant impact on the stiffness and load-bearing capacity of highway bridge engineers, greatly improving the strength of highway bridges, extending their service life, and increasing investment value. In the construction of construction sites, the construction of ditches for road and bridge foundations is a very important part, as it directly relates to the safety and reliability of the foundation, rather than directly affecting the stability and feasibility of the overall construction plan. Therefore, in this structure, the focus should be on this technology. This article starts with the analysis of steel plate support technology and its advantages in road and bridge construction, explores the specific functions and uses of road and bridge structures, and finally describes their defects.


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