Geothermal Energy Utilization and Environmental Impact Prevention of Single Flash Steam Cycle System

Geothermal Energy Utilization and Environmental Impact Prevention of Single Flash Steam Cycle System


  • Raza Ahmad Mechanical Engineering Department of Engineering Faculty of Sriwijaya University, Ogan Ilir, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia
  • Khaydarov Sherzod Mechanical Engineering Department of Engineering Faculty of Sriwijaya University, Ogan Ilir, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia



Geothermal energy, toxic elements, impurities gases, environment, separators


The study of geothermal energy utilization and the problem of toxic elements such as mercury, boron, arsenic, and antimony in steam is discussed to prevent the environment risk already conducted by literature tracing. The impurities gases such as methane, CO2, SiO2, hydrogen sulfide and ammonia also exist in low concentration in steam which can cause corrosion to engines and metal equipments and contribute to environmental impact specifically in global warming and acid rain. The main concern in harnessing the geothermal energy is minimizing the environmental risks and public healths impacts. Separators of varying working principles are the most important apparatus to eliminate the unwanted gases and elements from the steam. The prevention of silica deposition has already studied. The silica analyzing deposition methods such as Fournier, Di Pippo and SSI are also discussed. Silica deposition in pipes will increase the pipe friction coefficient and disturb the turbine working operations. Separator working with cyclone base system eliminates the heavy metalic toxic elements and gases from the superheat steam before entering the turbine on the principles of centrifugal force. The condensed fluid at the bottom of the separator body where the toxic and the impurities elements dissolved are reinjected to the earth.


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