Evolution and Critique of Ancient Greek ontology: An exploration of thought from the philosophical Pioneer to the Classical Period
Ancient Greece, Ontology, reviewAbstract
Ancient Greek philosophy was born in the Greek city-state slaveholders and free people under the system, the ancient Greek philosophers with their own rich imagination, deep thinking and debate, opened up the tradition of natural philosophy and metaphysics (ontology), for the future Western philosophy, provides a driving force for development, laid a solid foundation, shaped the initial theoretical form of Western philosophy. Ancient Greek philosophy was born out of mythology, but at the same time broke through mythology, ancient Greek philosophers began to look at the problem with a new perspective, began to think about the origin of the universe and the origin of all things, and this is the problem of ontology. The ontological problem is the central problem of the study of ancient Greek philosophy, and the elaboration of ontology has a development process in ancient Greece. This article mainly discusses the evolution and criticism process of the ancient Greek ontology, and makes a brief comment on the problem of the ancient Greek ontology.
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