The Negative Impact of the Internet's Pan-Entertainment Trend on the Aesthetic Cultural Values of College Students and the Corresponding Strategic Research

The Negative Impact of the Internet's Pan-Entertainment Trend on the Aesthetic Cultural Values of College Students and the Corresponding Strategic Research


  • Rong Xun Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, China



Aesthetic Culture, Pan-Entertainment, Aesthetic Values, Aesthetic Literacy of College Students


In the era of Internet plus and the contemporary big data background, we should realize that the Internet world shaped by the media is more colorful than the real world, With the rise of online live streaming and mobile short videos, the continuous development of contemporary online media has attracted an increasing number of university students to construct their selves within these media. Compared to the real world, they tend to trust more in the world presented by online media. In pursuit of commercial interests, online media caters to the "lowbrow" aesthetic tastes of the university student audience, thereby creating a booming online entertainment market. From the perspective of contemporary aesthetic culture, the educational and guiding functions of online media have been suppressed. Consequently, "over-entertainment" has become a significant issue affecting the aesthetic values of university students in the online media environment. Under the impact of such cultural trends, it is inevitable that the aesthetic values of university students will be influenced, leading to erroneous value judgments. Therefore, it is urgent to re-cultivate the aesthetic literacy of university students.


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