Extending the Theory of Planned Behavior to Understand Travelers' Intentions to Visit China in Hong Kong Context

Extending the Theory of Planned Behavior to Understand Travelers' Intentions to Visit China in Hong Kong Context


  • Wan Hao




China, Hong Kong, ETPB, COVID-19, Travel intention


This study aims to understand the travel intentions of Hong Kong residents to China after the COVID-19 pandemic by using an Extended Theory of Planned Behavior (ETPB) that integrates two additional factors: "pandemic-related travel restrictions" and "perceived destination health and safety". Findings from 320 valid surveys indicated that the five factors in the ETPB model are directly related to travel intention, and the ETPB model has a predictive power on the Hong Kong travelers' travel intention to China. The findings of this study extend our knowledge of application of ETPB and provide useful information to tourism industry in China and Hong Kong in marketing strategy formulation and implementation.


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