Exploring the Educational Significance of Competitions in Chinese Higher Education

Exploring the Educational Significance of Competitions in Chinese Higher Education


  • Shan Jiang Faculty of Literature and Arts Communication, Tongling University, Tongling, Anhui, China
  • Zhong Zhang Faculty of Finance, Tongling University, Tongling, Anhui, China




Higher education, Competitions, China, Mental state, Gender, Social skills, Teamwork


Competition is a widely welcomed and promoted means of ability cultivation and knowledge examination under the current education model. In order to better leverage the positive impact of competitions in education, this study conducted questionnaire surveys and face-to-face interviews with competition participants in higher education from the perspectives of gender differences, competition mentality, students' social skills and teamwork abilities to explore the advantages of competitions. The educational significance and impact on students provide effective experiences and suggestions for students, educators and educational managers. The conclusion is that in subject competitions, the psychological pressure of students, especially girls, needs to be appropriately relieved. Students have many ideas and purposes for participating in competitions, and the guidance and publicity of educators are the most important reasons. Students are willing to use their imagination and innovation ability in competitions, but they still need certain guidance and teaching in the process of transforming from theory to practice.


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