Research on the Local Knowledge and Its Cultural Value in Village History Museums: A Case Study of Liugong Village History Museum in Guilin

Research on the Local Knowledge and Its Cultural Value in Village History Museums: A Case Study of Liugong Village History Museum in Guilin


  • Junjie Chen School of Chinese Language and Literature/School of Journalism and Communication, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, China



Local Knowledge, Village History Museum, Cultural Value


This paper employs the theory of local knowledge, taking the Liugong Village History Museum in Guilin as the research object. It classifies the local knowledge in the village history museum into explicit and tacit types. The exertion of this local knowledge is closely related to the dynamic behavior, historical induction, and local context throughout the museum's development process. The cultural value of the village history museum lies in promoting local knowledge. From this perspective, the museum plays a role in localizing rural culture, creating cultural landmarks, and constructing a folk discourse system, thus becoming a "new" coordinate in the context of rural cultural revitalization.


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