The English Translation of Chinoiserie Songs from the UGT Perspective: A Case Study of Qian Qiu Meng

The English Translation of Chinoiserie Songs from the UGT Perspective: A Case Study of Qian Qiu Meng


  • Hongbo Huang School of the English Language & Culture, Xiamen University Tan Kah Kee College
  • Sheng Yu School of the English Language & Culture, Xiamen University Tan Kah Kee College



Uses and gratifications theory, Chinoiserie song, Song dubbing


Qian Qiu Meng is a Chinoiserie song composed from the eyes of Empress Wu Zetian, one that belongs to mass media. Using the uses and gratifications theory (UGT) to analyze the English version of this song clarifies the purpose and what needs users want to gratify. This theory can also help to study how the English translation of Chinoiserie songs affects users behaviorally and psychologically. This study is somewhat innovative in that it uses a theory in communications studies to analyze the English translation of the Chinoiserie song Qian Qiu Meng. This helps the author to understand translation methods and techniques of Chinoiserie song translation into English, as well as of the character, deeds and contributions of Empress Wu.


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