Two Watersheds of Major Global Public Health Emergencies: History, Reality and Response

Two Watersheds of Major Global Public Health Emergencies: History, Reality and Response


  • Wurui Yang School of History and Administration, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650500, China



Global Major Public Health Emergencies, Watershed, Industrial Age, Digital Age


The 1918-1919 pandemic influenza and the COVID-19 are the watershed of major global public health emergencies in the industrial age and the digital age. The latter has generality and particularity. The problems faced in the process of coping with the COVID-19 mainly include: prejudice hinders international cooperation; Extreme egoism of some countries and personnel reduces the effectiveness of responding to incidents; Rigid governance system; The theoretical support is insufficient. The causes of the problems are: many problems are long-term; The modernization speed of some countries and personnel is slower than the speed of environmental change; In the process of modernization, the modernization mode of the industrial age is adopted. The macro way to deal with the COVID-19 is to promote the modernization of the governance system and governance capacity, and give birth to the combination of "new system, new capacity - new environment". The micro approaches are: strengthening international cooperation and optimizing the international governance system; Enhance the modernization of national governance and the modernization of people; Effectively innovate the concept and method of governance.


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