Marketing in the Era of Data Change

Marketing in the Era of Data Change


  • Qian Huang University of South China, Hengyang 421001, China



Big data technology, Marketing, Marketing channels, Marketing environment


If we do not carry out the construction of modern system and without the help of informatization, it will not only waste time, but also be prone to errors. Using information technology, we can achieve three scientific and modern requirements. One is scientific process. Through information technology, all links of sorting, sorting, and receiving, distribution and transportation packaging are implemented in place, and automatic scanning instrument is used to ensure that the products are free from pollution, odor and wrong taking, and the one-stop process service is realized. The second is scientific operation, through information technology to integrate the collaborative supply chain, constantly analyze and improve their own problems, learn from each other to realize integrated supply, real-time information sharing, and promote all aspects of logistics into a higher level. Similarly, in this process, enterprises are no longer simply playing the role of logistics, but also should be introduced into modern science and technology industry, establish research bases within logistics, introduce information facilities, and contribute to the promotion of corporate culture.


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