Historic Impact of Ancient Greco-Roman Mythology on Medical Terminology

Historic Impact of Ancient Greco-Roman Mythology on Medical Terminology


  • Xiaoli Hu Jiangsu Maritime Institute, Nanjing 211170, Jiangsu, China




ancient Greco-Roman mythology, medical terminology, historic impact


Ancient Greco-Roman mythology, as the origin of western civilization, exerts an important influence on every aspect of western culture, especially on medicine. Language, as a carrier of culture, is inseparable from culture. Therefore, vocabulary is the most direct tool to support culture. The title, image, name, and story of the Gods from ancient Greco-Roman mythology are employed to name medical terminology directly or deduced the roots, prefixes and suffixes are used indirectly to form medical terminology. By exploring the historic impact of Greco-Roman mythology and Greco-Roman culture on medical English terminology, it is easier for medical students to understand the deep meanings of complicated termss, grasp the connotation of the words, and stimulate students’ learning interest.


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