"The Drover's Wife": Australian National Writing

"The Drover's Wife": Australian National Writing


  • Kaiyuan Lyu School of Foreign Languages, East China Normal University, Dongchuan Road 500, Shanghai, China




The Drover's Wife, Henry Lawson, Australian national identity, Nature, The Other


"The Drover's Wife" is an iconic embodiment of the typical Australian character within the country's esteemed collection of representative figures. It narrates the story of a courageous bushwoman's struggle against a snake to protect her children. Juxtaposing the snake-killing story and the Eden myth, Henry Lawson imbues the process of Australian early pioneers overwhelming the bush with a religious interpretation. In terms of narration, Lawson creates a world of binary opposition by devaluing nature as "the other", which is perilous and hostile. Humans must overcome "the other" to survive and thrive. This bush mythology undoubtedly succeeds in inspiring the Australian people's unity and self-confidence. Additionally, Lawson highly commends hardworking, brave, loyal, and supportive Australian national spirit and mateship, which are precisely built in the process of white settlers' fighting against the harsh and severe bush living conditions—"the other". At the end of the 19th century, Australia saw the rise of national independence. His national image writing responds to straightly the need for newfound patriotism in Australia and nationalism in the literature domain.


H, Lawson, Short Stories in Prose and Verse, Good Press, 2021.

M. D. Coogan (Ed.), The New Oxford Annotated Bible, UK: Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2007.

H. Lawson, Short Stories in Prose and Verse, Good Press, 2021.

H. Lawson, Short Stories in Prose and Verse, Good Press, 2021.

Z. Xu. (2021). The Truth under the Text's Appearance: The Implied ""Other"" in Henry Lawson's The Drover's Wife. Journal of Literature in English, (02), pp. 141-153.

J. Zhang. (2021). Lawson, the Bush and Realism: Bush Images and Australian National Imagination in Lawson's Work. Studies in English and American Literature Series, (01), pp. 335-348.

Y. Hou, & F. Shi. (2022). Australian Writing of Lawson's Poetry: ""Bushman"" and National Spirit. Journal of Mianyang Normal College, (07).


