Research on Red Culture Education on University Campuses in the New Era: Taking Universities in Sichuan as An Example

Research on Red Culture Education on University Campuses in the New Era: Taking Universities in Sichuan as An Example


  • Qianqian Xu College of Foreign Languages, Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu 610225, Sichuan, China
  • Siyuan Li College of Foreign Languages, Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu 610225, Sichuan, China



new era, universities in Sichuan, red culture, campus education


Universities are the hall of knowledge and the cradle of nurturing future talents. Red culture, as the unique cultural symbol of the Chinese nation, plays an irreplaceable role in the cultural development of universities. This paper conducts research and discussion on red culture education in Sichuan universities based on a preliminary questionnaire survey conducted on university students. It explores the achievements and deficiencies, and provides suggestions and strategies for universities to better help students to inherit the red gene, so as to provide practical references for strengthening red culture education in universities in other regions.


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