A Comparative Analysis of Chinese-English Translation Quality Based on ChatGPT: A Case Study of Chinese Characteristic Words

A Comparative Analysis of Chinese-English Translation Quality Based on ChatGPT: A Case Study of Chinese Characteristic Words


  • Jinrui Wu School of Languages and Cultural Communication, Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology, Xi'an 710124, China




ChatGPT, Chinese characteristic words, machine-assisted translation


The release of ChatGPT, a large-scale natural language interactive program, at the end of 2022 has once again garnered worldwide attention to artificial intelligence technology. As a deep learning-based natural language processing model, ChatGPT demonstrates unique advantages in the field of translation that are unparalleled by previous machine translation software. Chinese characteristic words, which lack direct equivalents in other cultures or countries, have always posed a challenge in Chinese-English translation, but they are also an essential part of effectively conveying the Chinese story. This article selected some Chinese characteristic words mentioned in the Chinese Government Work Report as translation materials and asked ChatGPT with completing tasks such as translating and polishing the translation according to instructions. By comparing the official Chinese-English translation version and traditional machine translation version, this article analyzed the translation quality of ChatGPT in C-E translation from the perspectives of syntactic structure, coherence, and domain adjustment, with the aim of summarizing machine-assisted translation methods and translation strategies for Chinese characteristic words.


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