Common Diseases and Prevention Techniques of Highway Roadbed Engineering

Common Diseases and Prevention Techniques of Highway Roadbed Engineering


  • Tuozhou Liu Heilongjiang University, Harbin 150000, Heilongjiang, China
  • Sen Li School of Business Administration, University of Science and Technology Liaoning, Anshan 114051, Liaoning, China



Highway subgrade engineering, Common diseases, Prevention and control technology


The key to the construction of highway subgrade engineering is to improve the stability and safety of the subgrade structure through scientific construction management methods, so as to continuously improve the overall construction effect. In the current stage of highway roadbed construction, many construction units have the problem of improper operation, which leads to the performance of the roadbed structure not meeting the requirements, resulting in different diseases and affecting the quality of construction. In the process of continuously increasing the scale of highway construction in China in recent years, various construction units will adopt diversified technologies to implement project construction content and improve the effectiveness of comprehensive construction management. When diseases occur in highway roadbed engineering, corresponding technical measures need to be actively taken to prevent and control them, ensuring that the various performance of highway roadbed engineering can meet expectations.


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