Research on the Countermeasures of Solving Labor Education Problems in "Triple Complete Education"

Research on the Countermeasures of Solving Labor Education Problems in "Triple Complete Education"


  • Qingqing Liu Marxist College, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454003, Henan Province, China



“triple complete education”, labour education, Educate together


The “triple complete education” is a reform of education methods for social development, integrating social resources in a more innovative and inclusive way, achieving synergies with schools, and giving full play to the combined efforts of labor and education in all fields and all factors. Under the vision of "triple complete education", labor education has the problems of weakening the concept of labor education, system defects and weak implementation. It is necessary to rely on the "three links", namely: the concept of full education, the policy of full education, and the integration of all-round education pattern, to gather education forces, solve the problems of labor education, and train students into a new era of workers with correct labor values and labor literacy, integrating knowledge, skills and innovative spirit.


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