Analysis on Youth Model Education

Analysis on Youth Model Education


  • Yuyao Wang Marxist College, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454003, Henan Province, China



Youth, Example, Youth Model Education


With the rapid development of society, the growth of young people has become a hot issue of global focus. As an important way of education in the process of youth growth and success, youth model education answers major questions such as " why do you learn from role models, " " what do you learn from role models " and " how do you learn from role models. " 'Why to learn from role models ' is the logical starting point. Due to the contradiction between the current situation of young people and the role model, role models provide a learning benchmark for young people to grow up. 'How to learn from role models ' is a logical intermediary, which is to clarify the goal orientation of young people 's learning from role models, stimulate their self-consciousness of learning from role models, and explore effective ways for young people to learn from role models. 'What to learn from the example ' is the logical end point, guiding young people to strive to be a model with lofty ideals and firm beliefs, a model of hard learning and innovation, a model of daring to fight and good at fighting, a model of hard work and selfless dedication, and a model of morality and goodness and strict discipline.


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