The Logic and Approaches of Enhancing University Students' Ideological and Political Quality through Red Culture

The Logic and Approaches of Enhancing University Students' Ideological and Political Quality through Red Culture


  • Qing Zhao School of Foreign Studies, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an710072, Shaanxi, China



Red Culture, University Students, Ideological and Political Quality, Ideological and Political Education


Red culture serves as a rich source of spiritual heritage. Its educational content, objectives, and values align closely with the goals of ideological and political education for university students, offering valuable insights for enhancing their ideological and political competence. This paper examines the importance of red culture in this context through both theoretical and practical lenses. By leveraging the influence of red culture in the classroom, uncovering its practical educational significance in real-world contexts, enhancing its cultural impact on campus, and utilizing digital platforms to promote it online, the social responsibility and historical consciousness of university students can be further strengthened. This approach aims to cultivate a new generation of builders and successors who are well-rounded in moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic, and labor education.


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