English Translation of Fuzzy Beauty of Classical Chinese Poetry

English Translation of Fuzzy Beauty of Classical Chinese Poetry


  • Jin Li NUE, Department of Basic Courses, Jiefang Avenue, Wuhan, Hubei, China
  • Qiuhan Wu NUE, Jiefang Avenue, Wuhan, Hubei, China
  • Yihao Luo Yichang Testing Technique Research Institute Yichang 443003, China




Classical Chinese Poetry, Fuzzy beauty, Aesthetics of reception, Fuzzy aesthetics, Imagery


This paper attempts to probe into English translation of fuzzy beauty of classical Chinese poetry via imagery. Classical Chinese poetry is the cream of Chinese culture. It attracts millions of Chinese and western readers with its subtle and profound fuzzy beauty. The ultimate requirement of English translation of classical Chinese poetry lies in transferring its fuzzy beauty. Fuzzy beauty of classical Chinese poetry falls into three categories: fuzzy beauty in form, fuzzy beauty in imagery and fuzzy beauty in artistic conception. Imagery, being the soul of classical Chinese poetry, serves as a communicative and operational medium of transference of fuzzy beauty. The essence of fuzzy beauty consists in "gaps of indeterminacy" which conjures up the reader's unrestrained association. "Gaps of indeterminacy" constitute the "appealing structure" in a text which is subject to the reader's free interpretation according to his own "horizon of expectation". Fuzzy aesthetics sheds light on the aesthetic features of fuzzy beauty, and the hierarchical structure of fuzzy beauty in fuzzy aesthetics corresponds to different layers of fuzzy beauty of classical Chinese poetry. Therefore, both aesthetics of reception and fuzzy aesthetics are of instructive value to English translation of classical Chinese poetry. This paper is composed of five sections. The introductory section is concerned with the significance and purpose of the research. The second section reveals in detail fuzzy beauty in classical Chinese poetry. In the third section, the techniques and principle for translation of poetic fuzzy beauty are put forward in light of aesthetics of reception and fuzzy aesthetics and imagery is recommended as an ideal medium of transference of fuzzy beauty. The fourth section centers on how to transfer fuzzy beauty of classical Chinese poetry using imagery as a medium, analyses and proposals are given from such angles as fuzzy modifiers, syntax, juxtaposition, and cultural influences. A natural conclusion is drawn in the last section.


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