The Development and Reform of Bilingual Education in China

The Development and Reform of Bilingual Education in China


  • Zhi Sun Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, AUSTRALIA



Chinese-English Bilingual Education, Globalisation, Economic development, Educational policies, Teaching methods


Over the past 20 years, English education in China has undergone pronounced changes, with Chinese-English bilingual education garnering considerable attention. China's accession to the WTO in 2001 and hosting of the 2008 Beijing Olympics have catalysed interest in bilingual programmes, seen by many as addressing the longstanding lack of effectiveness of English teaching. Bilingual education is expanding swiftly, especially in metropolitan areas, utilising English and Mandarin as languages of instruction across curricula. However, due to China's singular context, imported models of bilingual education cannot be directly implemented. Maintenance and transitional models predominate currently, but elite bilingual immersion is increasingly common. Major issues include suitability of materials, teacher capabilities and Chinese cultural attitudes. Though parents and educators are largely supportive, some argue priority should remain with Chinese language and culture. Tailoring bilingual education to China's socioeconomic environment can yield a uniquely Chinese model benefitting learners' language skills, knowledge and global integration. Further research could elucidate programme effectiveness regarding student outcomes.


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