Ethical Review of Compulsory Display of User IP Addresses on Multiple Network Platforms

Ethical Review of Compulsory Display of User IP Addresses on Multiple Network Platforms


  • Chen Zhang College of Marxism, Hunan University of Technology, Zhuzhou 412007, China



Privacy Security, Ip Address, Ethical Review


The mandatory display of users' IP addresses on Internet application platforms has aroused great social concern and discussion. This paper examines this phenomenon ethically based on Marxist ethics. From the perspective of ethical relations, websites, enterprises, governments and individuals are different ethical entities, each of which has the responsibility to protect users' privacy and fulfill the obligation to maintain network security. From the perspective of legal attribute, IP address belongs to the scope of public information, and it is legitimate to disclose IP address. Considering the pros and cons of the society, the display of IP address may cause negative effects such as regional discrimination, but it plays a positive role in protecting the safety of network users. The display of IP address can not cure the Internet chaos, but also needs to be improved by means of informed consent.


Marx, Engels, The Complete Works of Marx and Engels (Volume 3), [M] Beijing: People's Publishing House, 1960.

The State Internet Information Office issued the Regulations on the Management of Internet User Account Name Information (Draft for Public Comments) on 26 October 2021.

Marx, Engels, The Complete Works of Marx and Engels (Volume 4), [M] Beijing: People's Publishing House, 1960.


