Taste and Body Path—Using the Tao Te Ching as a Model

Taste and Body Path—Using the Tao Te Ching as a Model


  • Xueliang Dong PhD student at the School of Philosophy, Value and Culture Research Center, and the Collaborative Innovation Center for Socialist Core Values at Beijing Normal University




Body, Road, Taste, Laozhuang, Metaphysics


There are multiple ways of connection between humans and the outside world, including self and the world, others, society and self from a macro perspective. However, if we take the micro perspective of humans as the starting point, there are no more than six. The eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, meaning, namely the so-called visual, auditory, and taste senses, are all specific ways of feeling. However, as the "Dao" pursued by Laozi and Zhuangzi, it cannot be expressed and felt by specific organs, Because it is purely a philosophical speculation and contemplation, the Tao Te Ching has several discussions on the relationship between Dao and taste. Due to the lack of previous discussions on the relationship between the two, this article intends to explore the relationship between taste and body Dao from three perspectives: body and taste, society and taste, and tasteless and body Dao, Furthermore, it provides us with another perspective to understand Laozi's metaphysical path.


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