Distinctive Sound Design—A Comparative Study on Audiovisual Analyses of Different Types of “Immersive” Short Videos

Distinctive Sound Design—A Comparative Study on Audiovisual Analyses of Different Types of “Immersive” Short Videos


  • Jiayi Wang Communication University of China, Beijing, China




Short Video, Sound, Immersive, Media


This paper constitutes a comparative investigation into various genres of "immersive" short videos, with a primary emphasis on the comprehensive analysis of the audiovisual language employed therein. The objective is to discern the distinctive features embedded in the sound and image components, subsequently delving into the singularly designed auditory elements characterizing this particular genre of short videos. The introductory segment of this paper provides a delineation and definition of short videos and specifically categorizes them as "immersive. " Proceeding to the core of the comparative inquiry, the paper systematically synthesizes and contrasts the auditory and visual attributes intrinsic to diverse types of "immersive" short videos, drawing upon the typologies identified by prominent short video platforms. Furthermore, it undertakes an examination of the disparities between "immersive" short videos and their conventional counterparts, scrutinizing the production aspects in light of the outcomes derived from the comparative analysis. Building upon the findings of the comparative study, a detailed analysis of the production-level distinctions between "immersive" short videos and conventional counterparts is presented. The concluding section delves into an exploration of the substantial value that sound contributes to "immersive" short videos, concurrently addressing the potential dual-sided social impact of immersive media in the future. The overarching aim of this paper is to furnish insightful creative recommendations for new media producers, facilitating a more effective integration of immersive media into the fabric of future society.


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