A Comparative Analysis of the Interpersonal Meaning of Chinese and American Online Job Advertisements from a Cross-cultural Perspective

A Comparative Analysis of the Interpersonal Meaning of Chinese and American Online Job Advertisements from a Cross-cultural Perspective


  • Ziyan Li Foreign Languages College, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang 330022, Jiangxi, China




Cross-cultural, Online job ads, Interpersonal meaning, Comparative analysis


In the era of the Internet, online job advertisements have become an important tool for enterprises to attract outstanding talents. As an essential bridge for enterprises to communicate with candidates, job advertisements contain rich interpersonal meaning, and their discourse features are closely intertwined with cultural factors. Based on a cross-cultural perspective, this study adopts Halliday's systemic-functional grammar as the theoretical framework and selects 15 online job advertisements of Chinese and American enterprises respectively as the research objects. Through comparative analysis, the study reveals differences in mood, modality and person systems within online job advertisements of Chinese and American enterprises. These differences primarily stem from variations in Chinese and American social and cultural factors, resulting in distinct forms of language expression in job advertisements.


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