A Comparative Study of Environmental Settings in Two Chinese Versions of Jamaica Inn from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence Theory

A Comparative Study of Environmental Settings in Two Chinese Versions of Jamaica Inn from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence Theory


  • Xuanxuan Zhao Department of English, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, China




Functional equivalence, Jamaica Inn, literary translation, the comparative study


The core concept of Naida's theory is functional equivalence, which means reproducing the source language in the most appropriate and equivalent language, focusing on the style and spirit of the source language from its linguistic form to its cultural connotations, so as to achieve the theory of functional equivalence between the translated text and the original text. Jamaica Inn, is a novel with highly gothic style, rich in environmental descriptions under dark and dreary tone. This paper takes the original text of the gothic novel JAMAICA INN by Daphne Du Maurier and the relevant excerpts of settings from the corresponding translations as the corpus, and analyzes the Chinese translations of Wang Dongfeng and Liu Guowei through the methods of case analysis and comparative study, in terms of lexical equivalence, sentence equivalence and textual equivalence, so as to demonstrate the guiding significance of functional equivalence theory in literary translation.


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