A Practical Study of Entrepreneurship Education and Empowerment for Displaced Persons

A Practical Study of Entrepreneurship Education and Empowerment for Displaced Persons


  • Anthony Jumonu Department of Computer Science, Federal College of Education, Yola, Adamawa State




Practical Study, Entrepreneurship Education, Displaced Persons, Nigeria


Nigeria is a country of contradictions, with vast wealth but a larger proportion of its citizens living in abject poverty and worsening unemployment, partly due to insurgency, cattle rustling, natural disasters and illiteracy. To alleviate the scourge of poverty and unemployment, previous regimes launched various poverty reduction policies aimed at boasting levels of industrial production and employment, thereby curbing unemployment, despair and crime. Despite the various PRPS, hydra-like poverty and unemployment are still widespread, judging by official statistics published by reliable agencies. The failure of previous PRPS sparked enthusiasm for the Millennium Development Goals and made entrepreneurship education mandatory in the curriculum of tertiary education in Nigeria. This paper explores entrepreneurship education and empowerment for internally displaced persons in Nigeria. The authors recommend the inclusion of entrepreneurship education in teacher training programmes and the use of ICT tools for teaching to acquire knowledge and skills to empower learners, especially internally displaced persons.


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