A Study on the System of Residence Preferences for Foreign Investors in France

A Study on the System of Residence Preferences for Foreign Investors in France


  • Yiran TIAN Chengdu College of Arts and Sciences, Chengdu, Sichuan,China




France, legal regime for the promotion of foreign investment, residence permits for foreigners, admission of top talent, innovation


As a member of the European Union (EU), France's legal system for foreign investment includes the provisions of EU law and relevant domestic legislation. EU law is the prerequisite and framework for domestic legislation to promote foreign investment. Without violating the relevant treaties signed by the EU and EU law, France can formulate its own investment management policy according to its own national conditions. In recent years, in order to promote foreign investment, France has been seeking for innovation and change, and has carried out a series of reforms on the legal system for foreign investment on the basis of compliance with the investment-related laws and regulations at the EU level. The reform of France's legal system for promoting foreign investment mainly focuses on the issuance of visas for high-end talents and foreign students to attract foreign investors, as well as multi-type and multi-level tax incentives to attract foreign-invested enterprises. However, the effectiveness of the reform of France's legal system for promoting foreign investment has been affected to some extent by the complicated tax collection and management system and the tilted protection of employees in the labor law. Through a series of studies, this paper attempts to sort out the overall thinking and specific initiatives of France's reform of its legal system for promoting foreign investment, and objectively assess its impact and effectiveness, with a view to summarizing the lessons that can be drawn from China's efforts to improve its legal system for promoting foreign investment..


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